how to make my boyfriend Feel Special On His Birthday (31 Ideas)

Your boyfriend’s birthday is coming up and you can’t help but wonder, “How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday?” 

As someone who loves gifting for other people, I have lots to say about this topic so let’s jump straight into answering this question: How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday? 


  • How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday – 4 questions to consider? 
  • How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday – 30 ideas 
    • How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday with acts of service?
    • How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday with quality time? 
    • How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday with physical touch?
    • How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday with words of affirmation? 
    • How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday with gifts? 
  • Conclusion 



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  • A few questions for you to consider when deciding how to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday are how does your boyfriend like to be loved? What are his interests and hobbies? What do you like to do together? What is your budget? 
  • One way to determine how your boyfriend likes to be loved is by using Gary Chapman’s five love languages 
  • Below is a cheat sheet of ideas based on his love language. You can incorporate depending on your preference and budget. 
Love languageIdeas
Acts of service1. Cook him his favorite meal 
2. Help him complete a task that he’s been putting off 
3. Repair an item of his 
4. Breakfast in bed 
5. A deep-cleaned home by professionals 
6. Hire someone to help with a project he’s working on 
Quality time 1. Plan a date night at home 
2. Play conversation cards together
3. Host a potluck with his friends 
4. Go on a hike/walk together 
5. Picnic 
6. Date to an art gallery/museum 
7. Take him to where you had your first date 
8. Take him where he’s always wanted to go to 
9. Book an experience or class together
10. A weekend getaway 
11. Hire a private chef to cook at his home
Physical Touch1. Spend the day cuddling 
2. Give him a home massage
Words of affirmation1. Write a handwritten letter 
2. Compile birthday messages from his friends 
3. Leave post-it notes 
Gifts1. A scrapbook 
2. A playlist 
3. A compilation of love poems
4. A favorite framed photo
5. A customised crossword 
6. A practical gift 
7. A personalised gift 
8. A short course 
9. Something he’s always wanted 

How To Make My Boyfriend Feel Special On His Birthday? 4 Questions To Consider 

1. How does your boyfriend like to be loved? 

Knowing how your boyfriend likes to be shown affection is one way to decide how to make him feel special on his birthday. 

I’ve noticed that what makes my boyfriend feel special is when I notice the little things for example buying his favorite body scrub when he didn’t ask for it.

Or when I take note of his interests like getting tickets to play mini golf, his favorite sport.

One way to guide your thinking is by comparing how your boyfriend likes to be loved against the five love languages

The five love languages is a concept coined by Dr. Gary Chapman who suggested there are five categories in which people like to receive love. They are: 

  1. Acts of service: doing something that your partner would like 
  2. Quality time: giving your partner your undivided attention 
  3. Words of affirmation: reassuring your partner through words 
  4. Physical touch: being physically intimate with your partner 
  5. Gifts: receiving a heartfelt gift  

These love languages can give you an idea of what you can do to make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday. 

2. What are his hobbies or interests? 

This is a great way to determine how to make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday because you’re incorporating what he likes. 

My boyfriend loves boxing and one of the best gifts I’ve given him were tickets to a Muhammad Ali, his favorite boxer, exhibition. It made for a perfect date as well. 

3. What do you like to do together? 

Is there an activity you like to do together? Is there a class you both have been meaning to try together? 

Reflect on previous memories and identify what you and your boyfriend like to do together. 

4. What is your budget? 

As much as we want to spoil our partners, we also need to be mindful of our budget. 

Before determining how to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday, you also need to ask how much can you afford to spend on your boyfriend for his birthday. 

How To Make Your Boyfriend Feel Special On His Birthday – 30 Ideas 

If you’ve read those questions and still struggling with how to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday, don’t worry I’ve drafted this comprehensive list of ideas for you to consider!

My list considers all the questions above but it’s mainly categorized based on love languages. Under each category, I’ve sorted these ideas from “budget-friendly” to “splurge-worthy”. 

I also want to preface that you can mix and match these ideas and refine them according to your preferences and budget. 

Ultimately, you know your boyfriend best so don’t worry and have fun! 

How To Make My Boyfriend Feel Special On His Birthday With Acts Of Service 

1. Cook him his favorite meal to make him feel special on his birthday

This image shows a woman cooking. It's used for the article, How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday

Credit: Finn-b

For my girls who know how to cook, it’s a no-brainer that this will make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday. 

Not only is it his favourite meal but the fact that you took the time and effort to prepare it will make him feel special. 

I cooked my boyfriend steak using Gordon Ramsay’s recipe and it went down a treat. Great one to follow even for beginners! 

2. Help him execute a task he’s been holding off 

Think about the chore that he’s been meaning to complete but hasn’t got around to like washing his car. Or an errand that’s been on his to-do list for a while. 

Your boyfriend would feel special on his birthday if you could help him with a task he’s been holding off. 

3. Breakfast in bed 

This image shows breakfast in bed. It's used for the article, How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday

Credit: StockSnap 

If you’re not a great chef, then breakfast can be a good place to start. You can get his favorite pastries and coffee from his favorite cafe, and place it nicely on a tray. 

It’d be nice for your boyfriend to wake up and already feel special on the morning of his birthday. 

4. Repair a sentimental item of his 

Another “act of service” gift is repairing a sentimental item of his. 

This could be an old watch that belonged to his grandfather or a piece of furniture that’s been passed down to him by his family. 

Does he love to cook but complains his kitchen knives are blunt? Why not get them sharpened for him? 

Taking the initiative to do this will surely make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday. 

5. A deep-cleaned home 

Hear me out. If your boyfriend’s love language is acts of service, then I’m sure you’ve noticed how much he appreciates it when a service is done for him. 

So if you can afford it, why not hire a cleaning professional to come and deep-clean the house? 

Not only will your boyfriend be very happy but you’ll also get to benefit from this service. 

6. Hire someone to help with a project he’s working on 

Is there a major task or project that your boyfriend needs assistance with but hasn’t had the time to do it? 

Consider hiring a professional who can help him and offload the burden. Your boyfriend will feel relieved and appreciative of this gesture. 

How To Make My Boyfriend Feel Special On His Birthday With Quality Time  

1. Plan a date night at home to make him feel special on his birthday

This image shows a couple dating indoors. It's used for the article, How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday

Credit: StockSnap 

How can a date night feel special on his birthday? Why not order his favorite meal if cooking his favorite meal isn’t an option?

Another way to make date night feel special is setting up the table nicely. You can do this by:  

  • Arranging a small bouquet 
  • Folding napkins nicely 
  • Placing hand-written menus 
  • Arranging tea-light candles

Play some romantic music in the background and end it with a cozy night watching a movie. 

It doesn’t need to be extravagant rather you need to be attentive to the details so that your boyfriend feels special on his birthday. 

2. Play conversation cards together 

There are so many conversation cards on sale recently which speaks to a growing demand for connection. 

So why not incorporate these cards into your boyfriend’s birthday? 

If you want to make him feel special on his birthday, why not spend it asking each other questions to strengthen your connection with one another? 

Some questions you can ask include: 

  • What are your favorite memories of each other?
  • What’s the best give they’ve ever received?
  • What are they looking forward to in this next chapter?

Hopefully, this will make you feel closer and subsequently make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday. 

3. Host a potluck with his friends 

Hosting a potluck is a budget-friendly way to celebrate your boyfriend’s birthday with his friends. 

One potluck idea is asking everyone to bring a food or drink item that begins with the first letter of your boyfriend’s name. 

Or assign each friend to bring a favorite food of your boyfriend’s. Personalizing the potluck in this manner will surely make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday. 

4. Go for a walk together 

Another low-budget idea is to go on a nice walk together. You can go to your local park or drive further to one that’s nice and highly recommended by your friends. 

I understand that this might be weather-dependent but if it does permit, take advantage of the beautiful day by spending it outdoors. 

5. Go on a picnic

This image shows a couple on a picnic. It's used for the article, How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday

Credit: Pexels

Besides a walk, another outdoor activity on a budget is going on a picnic. Change up the environment and have a romantic picnic with your boyfriend. 

You can also opt to invite his friends and make it a potluck as well. If this is something you don’t normally do, then I reckon your boyfriend will feel special on his birthday. 

6. Go on a date to an art gallery

If your boyfriend prefers to be indoors and is a man of arts and culture, then why not take him to his favorite art gallery or museum? 

To make it feel special on his birthday, why not suggest a prompt when exploring the gallery? 

When my boyfriend and I visited the National Portrait Gallery in London, he assigned each of us a room and we had to select a painting we liked. 

After 20 minutes, we would meet again and guess which painting the other person selected and why. It made the experience of visiting the gallery more fun and less overwhelming. 

Incorporating something like this on your boyfriend’s birthday visit will make the experience more special. 

7. Take him where you had your first date 

Take a walk down memory lane and take him to where you had your first date. Not only is this sentimental but it will be a nice way to celebrate not just him but both of you as a couple. 

8. Take him to an event he’s always wanted to go to 

Is his favorite artist coming to town? Or is there a play or movie he’s been wanting to watch? 

Knowing what cultural event he’s interested in and getting tickets to it will make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday. 

9. Book an experience or class together 

Think about an experience or a class that you know you both will enjoy. Of course, it also depends on your budget but here are a few suggestions to consider: 

  • A sip and paint session (i.e. paint while being served wine) 
  • Wine tasting experience
  • Salsa-dancing 
  • Cocktail-making 
  • A sports activity 
  • Woodworking 
  • Ring-making 
  • Pottery
  • Cooking class
  • The spa 

There are plenty of options to choose from so book an experience or class based on his interests and your budget. 

10. Hire a private chef to cook at home

If you’re willing to splurge, you can consider hiring a private chef to cook at home. Normally, private chefs will offer 3 to 5 courses depending on your budget.

This is a great experience for you and your boyfriend especially if he loves to eat but wants to avoid crowds.

11. Plan a weekend getaway to make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday

If you intend to splurge and you both have the time, you can make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday by gifting him a weekend away. 

It doesn’t have to be to another country but rather a weekend out of town or somewhere quiet and serene. 

The point is that you get a chance to go away and spend quality time together. 

How To Make My Boyfriend Feel Special On His Birthday With Physical Touch   

1. Spend the day in bed 

Credit: Prinz-Peter 

Perhaps all your boyfriend needs to feel special is just having a lazy day in bed with you so spend it cuddling together on his birthday. 

2. Give him a home massage 

Giving a massage is one way to make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday. You can watch tutorials to go over the basics of a home massage and ask your boyfriend where are his pain points. 

Don’t forget to turn your home into a more relaxing environment by dimming the lights, playing soothing music, and lighting up a few scented candles. 

How To Make My Boyfriend Feel Special On His Birthday With Words Of Affirmation 

1. Write a handwritten letter 

This image shows a woman journaling. It's used for the article, How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday

Credit: StockSnap 

I feel that there’s nothing more romantic than receiving a handwritten letter from your partner. 

Sharing how much you love and appreciate your boyfriend through words will surely make him feel special on his birthday. 

2. Compile birthday messages and share them with him

Compiling birthday messages from his friends and family is another way to make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday. 

You can ask them to share it in a card or compile them as short clips and piece them together in one video. 

Whatever the format, I’m sure your boyfriend will appreciate the kind messages. 

3. Leave post-it notes in the house for him to find 

Why not write cute birthday messages for your boyfriend to find around the house? The bathroom mirror, fridge, and even his car are just a few suggestions. 

Not only is this a pleasant surprise but it shows that you’ve thought about this leading up to his birthday. 

How To Make My Boyfriend Feel Special On His Birthday With Gifts 

1. A scrapbook of photos of each other 

Nowadays, there are plenty of online sites that make photo albums. Why not compile your favorite photos and make a photo album of it? 

Or if you’re feeling crafty, you can make a scrapbook and include not just photos but mementos you’ve kept from your dates or travels together. 

Alternatively, you can choose a theme for your photo album so you can curate the album. 

Some examples include photos of you over the years, favorite memories, photos from a holiday, or places you’ve been to together. You can be as creative or minimalist as possible. 

2. A playlist of love songs 

An idea to make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday without breaking the bank is making a sweet playlist. Again, you can decide on the theme and select songs around it. 

I gifted this for my boyfriend on Valentine’s Day – a compilation of love songs and he was in tears! So simple yet so meaningful. 

3. A compilation of poems 

Another way to make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday is by compiling a list of poems or gifting him a book of poems. 

The poems can be romantic. I think they’d make a great gift especially if your boyfriend appreciates this form of expression. 

4. A framed photo 

Find a favorite photo of yours and blow it up to an A4 size in black and white. Get it framed and gift it to him on his birthday. 

You can’t go wrong with this simple yet thoughtful gift. It’ll surely make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday. 

5. A custom crossword 

If your boyfriend is a fan of crosswords just like mine, why not make a customized crossword for him to solve? The crossword clues can be centered around his hobbies, interests, and yourselves.

6. Give him a practical gift 

Sometimes you don’t need to source for the most beautiful and customized gift. All you need to make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday is a practical gift. 

Does he love to cook? Are there any kitchen appliances that can make it easier for him to cook? 

Is he a frequent traveler but his hand carry is on its last legs? Why not purchase a new one? 

Think about gifts that can make his life easier. It shows that you’re observant and attentive towards his needs (which he might not have noticed himself). 

7. Gift him something personalized 

You can’t go wrong with customizing your gift. I gave my boyfriend a cardholder with his initials engraved on it. 

Think about what item your boyfriend’s been eyeing and see if you can customize it according to his aesthetic or initials. 

8. A short course 

If your boyfriend is naturally curious or has been wanting to upskill himself, why not pay for a short course that’s related to what he wants to learn? 

There are so many available online courses you can consider or perhaps there’s one that your boyfriend is specifically interested in. 

If you’re able to pay for it, I’m sure your boyfriend will feel touched by the birthday gesture. 

9. Gift him something he’s always wanted to make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday

This image shows a gift. It's used for the article, How to make my boyfriend feel special on his birthday

Credit: StockSnap 

If he’s told you what he wants for his birthday and you can afford it, then go ahead and purchase it.  

Not only does it show that you were listening to your boyfriend but he surely won’t be disappointed by this gift if he asks for it.


As I mentioned earlier, there’s no right or wrong answer to this question. You can choose to incorporate a few of these ideas if you like and curate something special for him. 

Don’t worry about it too much. If you need help, you can ask him directly. Or get ideas from his close friends and family. 

If he does ask for something, try to incorporate something extra to make him feel special. 

I’m sure your boyfriend will appreciate whatever gesture you’ve prepared for him. What matters is that he gets to spend it with you.