“My boyfriend accused me of cheating – What do I do?” In situations like this where a serious accusation has been made, it’s important to gain context on the matter. 

Is there truth to the statement? Or is this a completely false accusation? Is the accusation a one-time incident? Or has he been accusing you multiple times? 

There’s a lot to unpack but let’s narrow it down to several possible reasons and what you can do about it. 


  • 6 reasons why my boyfriend accused me of cheating 
  • 12 things to do when my boyfriend accused me of cheating 
  • Conclusion 



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In a hurry? Here are the key takeaways: 

  • If your boyfriend is falsely accusing you of cheating, it could be that he’s projecting his insecurities, guilt, or jealousy onto you.
  • It could also be due to a misunderstanding that needs to be clarified. 
  • But before confronting him about the matter, ask yourself if you’ve done anything to warrant his accusations. 
  • This reflection isn’t to shift blame but to understand the cause of his accusations. 
  • Given the sensitivity of the topic, frame the conversation as “us vs. the problem (i.e. the accusation)” rather than “you vs. me” so that you’re both clear that the intent isn’t to raise arguments but to understand the basis for this accusation.
  • The most important thing you need to do is rebuild trust. This includes offering reassurance, making bids for connection, and spending quality time together. 
  • Encourage your boyfriend to seek a licensed therapist to help him navigate his insecurities and self-esteem. 
  • You can also consider going to therapy together or seek advice from a trusted third party to help navigate this matter. 
  • If your boyfriend refuses to listen and is determined to accuse you despite reassuring him, and it’s making you feel stressed and helpless, then it sounds like he’s trying to control you emotionally. 
  • A relationship like this isn’t healthy and I would encourage you to walk away. 

6 Reasons Why My Boyfriend Accused Me Of Cheating 

Assuming that you’re being falsely accused, then it’s safe to say that the reason why your boyfriend has accused you of cheating is influenced by his behavior or because there was a misunderstanding. 

Whatever it is, your boyfriend falsely accusing you of cheating says a lot more about him than it does you so don’t take it personally. 

Below are a few reasons why my boyfriend accused me of cheating.

1. My boyfriend accused me of cheating because he’s projecting his insecurities onto me 

This image shows a man who is insecure. It's used for the article, "My boyfriend accused me of cheating"

Credit: StockSnap 

Projection refers to displacing one’s feelings onto a different person. It’s often used as a defense mechanism to protect one’s feelings or to avoid confronting the discomfort. 

For example, a bully who ridicules his peer for being a “nerd” might be projecting his insecurities over his intelligence. 

Your boyfriend could be accusing you of cheating because he’s projecting his insecurities over this relationship. 

He could be feeling insecure due to a lack of assurance that you love him or fear that you can find someone better. Whatever it is, it’s something that you need to confront him about. 

2. My boyfriend accused me of cheating because he’s thought about cheating 

Another way projection can appear in someone’s behavior is when they’re feeling guilty. 

For instance, an unfaithful partner could be projecting his guilt onto his girlfriend by accusing her of flirting or seeing other people. 

Your boyfriend might’ve thought about cheating but rather than confront the guilt, he’s choosing to accuse you of doing so. 

3. My boyfriend accused me of cheating because he has trust issues 

Did your boyfriend experience infidelity in a previous relationship? Did he grow up without any good examples of a functional relationship? Past experiences can influence how we perceive the present. 

If your boyfriend has been cheated on or witnessed infidelity before, then chances are he struggles with trust in relationships. 

It’s nothing personal and I’m sure you’ve reassured him. 

But your boyfriend might need more effort and time to build trust and any action or inaction you’ve done immediately triggers him to accuse you of cheating. 

4. He’s mistaken certain behaviors for cheating 

With the previous point, if you’re wondering why my boyfriend accused me of cheating, it could be because he misinterpreted your behavior. 

Have you been busy at work recently? Neglected to tell him several times where you’ve been or your plans? Did you keep your phone away from him? 

I’m not suggesting you inform him of your every move or that you pass him your phone, but if there’s been a lack of communication or effort to see each other, then this might explain why your boyfriend is wary.  

5. My boyfriend accused me of cheating because he’s jealous 

Another emotion that lies within the accusations is jealousy. Have you been spending a lot of time with a male colleague or a male friend? 

Does your boyfriend get upset when you go out without him? There’s a possibility that your boyfriend is envious of your platonic or professional relationships. 

There’s nothing wrong with cultivating these relationships but if you’ve been neglecting your boyfriend in the process then perhaps this is why your boyfriend believes you’re cheating on him. 

6. my boyfriend accused me of cheating because He wants to emotionally manipulate me 

Credit: sasint 

Before considering this reason, it’s important to consider the context of your relationship. 

If there’s no reason for your boyfriend to accuse you of cheating and yet he does so repeatedly, then you should pay attention to this point. 

Being falsely accused of cheating repeatedly can create feelings of helplessness, anger, and frustration. 

Not only is this eroding trust in the relationship but I’m sure it’s negatively impacting your mental health.

If you no longer feel safe, or isolated and you’re anxious with your partner, then take it as a sign that you need to either address the problem soon or walk away. 

12 Things To Do When My Boyfriend Accused Me Of Cheating

1. Reflect on your behavior 

This image shows a woman journaling. It's used for the article "My boyfriend accused me of cheating"

Credit: StockSnap 

Before jumping into a heated conversation with your boyfriend, it’s important to take a step back and reflect on your past actions. This isn’t to shift blame on you or make you doubt yourself. 

But it’s a call, to be honest with yourself and ask if there’s any specific behavior that might have contributed to these accusations. 

The purpose of this exercise is to understand yourself so that you can understand how this has contributed to your boyfriend’s accusation. 

Perhaps you come across as flirty when you’re at social events. Despite knowing full well that nothing romantic will happen, your boyfriend might perceive this differently. 

Or you talk about a male colleague a lot or old flame to your boyfriend which makes him feel uncomfortable. 

It’s important that when we look inward on our behavior, we do so from a place of compassion not from a place of judgment. 

I know it’s easier said than done but be more open-minded and less hard on yourself as you navigate this self-reflection exercise. 

2. Set intentions for the discussion

When you’re ready, schedule a conversation to discuss the cheating accusation with your boyfriend. 

Given the sensitivity of the topic, set the intentions of the conversation. Make it clear that your intention is not to pick a fight or cast blame but rather to understand your boyfriend’s perspective. 

Another suggestion would be to reframe the conversation as an opportunity for both of you to address the problem. 

Positioning it as “us vs. the problem” instead of “me vs. you” will hopefully create a safe space to be honest and encourage your boyfriend to be vulnerable. 

3. Identify what each other’s definition of cheating is 

Some obvious acts or behaviors count as cheating and then some are subject to debate. 

Actions that you don’t perceive as cheating might be for your boyfriend. Clarify with each other what counts as cheating and why. 

The outcome isn’t necessarily to agree but rather to understand why your boyfriend feels triggered by certain behaviors. 

4. Ask your boyfriend why he’s accusing you of cheating 

This image shows a couple in discussion. It's used for the article, "My boyfriend accused me of cheating"

Credit: gracinistudios 

If you’re being falsely accused, ask him where these accusations are coming from. Encourage him to dig deeper so that he can identify the root cause. 

As mentioned earlier, the reason why “My boyfriend accused me of cheating” could be his way of projecting his insecurities. 

This might take some time especially if your boyfriend isn’t self-aware and he might start feeling uncomfortable. 

Don’t hesitate to take a pause and return to the conversation when you’re both calm. It’s one way to ensure that the environment still feels safe enough for both of you to be honest. 

When your boyfriend does open up, remember to actively listen to understand, not to defend yourself or offer solutions. 

You can do this by maintaining eye contact, facing your body towards him, and holding his hand for support. 

Summarise his points so that he can clarify them if needed. If you feel you’ve done something to hurt him and you’re genuinely remorseful, apologize to your boyfriend. 

5. Clarify any misunderstanding that led to your boyfriend accusing you of cheating 

If the source of your boyfriend’s accusation is due to your actions, then be ready to clarify any misunderstanding. 

One way to frame this conversation is by sharing what your point of view was and getting your boyfriend to explain his point of view. 

By sharing it this way, it reveals where the source of misunderstanding was and that your actions weren’t intended to hurt or upset him.  

6. Explain how his accusation makes you feel 

Now that you’ve allowed him to speak, don’t hesitate to tell him how you feel. 

I can imagine you felt hurt after your boyfriend accused you of cheating. Explain to him how that’s impacted you and the relationship. 

If your boyfriend cared, I’m sure he would feel remorseful for his actions and that he would want to correct his mistake. 

7. Set firm boundaries 

If you’ve gained a better understanding of each other’s behavior and want to move past it, then work together to identify solutions. 

One of them would be to set clear boundaries. Boundaries refer to what you’re comfortable with and how you’d like to be treated by others. 

Identify what behaviors you will no longer tolerate from your boyfriend and communicate it to him. For instance, make it clear to your boyfriend that you will not tolerate false accusations of cheating. 

It’s important to do this so that he respects your boundaries and ensures not do it again. 

8. Continue to build trust and offer reassurance 

Credit: lambhappiness 

Rebuilding trust is crucial to strengthen your relationship. Small but consistent efforts can go a long way towards rebuilding trust. 

One way to do this is by offering each other reassurance. Discuss with your boyfriend how he’d like to be reassured. 

It could be sending each other good morning text messages or letting him know in advance when you’ll be back home. 

Ensure that these actions are ones that you can commit to otherwise you might be setting yourself up for failure. 

9. Make bids for connection  

Credit: StockSnap 

Another way you can offer reassurance is by making bids for connection. A term coined by American psychologist and relationship expert, Dr. John Gottman. 

Bids refer to acts of kindness that are done consistently by our partners. They can range from something small like complimenting our partners or something big like scheduling date nights. 

When our partners turn towards these bids i.e. receive them, this will strengthen the relationship. You and your boyfriend can implement these bids in your relationship as well. 

Hopefully, this will make your boyfriend feel so secure in the relationship that he will spend less time accusing you of cheating. 

10. Encourage your boyfriend to seek professional help 

If the problems stem from your boyfriend’s self-worth or internal struggles, then it’s advised that he see a licensed therapist or counselor to help him navigate these challenges.  

To have a fulfilling relationship, we must work on improving ourselves so that we can turn up to the relationship as the best partner we can be. 

There’s only so much you can do as a partner. You may encourage him and show support but he must take responsibility for his behavior. 

11. See a licensed couples therapist 

If you have the financial means, you can consult with a licensed couples therapist. Having a third person can offer a different perspective on how to navigate this challenge. 

If you cannot afford one, then confide in someone you trust or anyone who has been in a similar situation. 

12. Know when to end the relationship 

If your boyfriend refuses to listen, keeps accusing you of cheating, and doesn’t want to improve himself, then I would advise that you end the relationship. 

Such behavior indicates that he has no intention of being a good partner towards you and would rather make you feel bad as a form of control. 

This might be a hard truth to consider especially when you still have feelings for him but I truly believe you deserve better. 

Consult with someone you trust of a relationship expert for validation and reassurance if you need a second opinion. 


I can imagine you must feel awful when your boyfriend accuses you of cheating especially when he has no reason to. 

I hope you find the strength to discern if it’s worth pursuing this relationship or walking away. If you choose the former, ensure that he’s just as committed to putting in the work. All the best!